Make your business shine with a free professional video*
Exclusively for Member Accredited Businesses, BBB's marketing team will come to your business to record an interview-style video, b-roll shots, and photos to tell your story.
Learn more about your Professional Video/Photo Shoot opportunity.
*Free Video Shoot Terms & Conditions:
- Signing a waiver and release form is required.
- Video shoot will be scheduled upon availability. Once the video is edited we will provide the date when video is available for businesses to use.
- It is only a video specifically about your business and the business that was named on this application from this landing page.
- The video team will do an interview and record b roll shots and photos to create and share your business story/services.
- The produced video will be a 30 second video for use on social media.
- The video will be provided to you for use on your social pages.